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Streets Pho & Grill


Phone (619) 312-0877
Address 235 Town Center Parkway #E,,
Santee, CA 92071 United States


Streets Pho & Grill is a Vietnamese restaurant known for its mouthwatering Pho, banh mi and other traditional Vietnamese dishes in Santee. We offer a variety of healthy food options as well as delectable Vietnamese sandwiches, rice vermicelli noodles, and fried rice dishes.

At Streets Pho & Grill, we take pride in using locally sourced ingredients to prepare dishes that will satisfy your cravings and tantalize your taste buds. Our friendly staff is dedicated to serving you with quality Vietnamese food and exceptional service.

From the rich and comforting bowls of pho to the vibrant and flavorful Vietnamese sandwiches, we have something for everyone!
Visit us today for traditional Vietnamese food in San Diego.

Pho, Vietnamese Restaurant, Healthy Food, Vietnamese Food, Pho Restaurant, Pho Noodles, Pho Soup, Vietnamese Sandwiches, Pho House, Authentic Vietnamese cuisine, Pho Grill

Business Hours:
Sunday-Saturday: 10:00AM-09:00PM

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