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Catering By Sir Williams

5 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (727) 378-8223
Mobile (727) 505-5506 - Mobile
Address 8303 Cavalry Drive,
Hudson, FL 34667 United States


We are an Elegant In-Home Catering Service. We purchase and prepare everything in your home, from setting the table to serving the food.

Pricing: $15, $20 or $30 per person, depending on menu selection, this includes all services. A flat fee of $100 will be added for an Assistant/Server. A $200 deposit is required to hold the date. $5 per person if you wish to serve alcohol.

Reviews for Catering By Sir Williams

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Catering By Sir Williams


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    Posted On:

    “I was so impressed with your company's fast service and reasonable pricing. The food was delicious and everyone enjoyed the leftovers.Your staff is amazing totally professional and an absolute pleasure to work with.”

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