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Carlson Catering Company


Phone (734) 699-8100
Address 44850 N. I-94 Service Drive,
Belleville, MI 48111 United States


We can service all of your catering needs. Large and small events accommodated. If you are looking for outstanding food, professional service and value for your dollar, call us. We are off premise catering specialists...It\\'s All We Do! We are THAT good.
\nBusiness Catering: picnics, luncheons, board meetings, open houses, box lunch, barbecue, holiday meals, quick lunch service. We service all three shifts.
\nFamily Events: reunions, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, showers, open houses, block parties, graduations, funerals and more.
\nWe service all of Metro Detroit and Ann Arbor.
\nConvenient online ordering. Use code FLC0708 when ordering online to save 5% on your order. Select Internet Order as your representative.

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