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Hogback Mtn BBQ Catering


Phone (540) 348-3123
Address 296 Huffman Lane,
Fairfield, VA 24435 United States


We are excites to announce Hogback Mtn BBQ will begin catering the spring of 2010. After a few years competing on the largest BBQ competitions circuit (KCBS) in the world and winning several awards along the way we have taken steps to bring our award winning BBQ to your backyard, wedding, reunion, party or other event. We have spent years studying the art combining the best spice rubs, injections, temperatures, smoke, meat and sauces to make up Great BBQ. It is our goal to use this knowledge and skill to make your next event something your guests will remember! Let us cater your event so you can spend time with your guests and enjoy it with them. Call Today for information about how we can help serve you.

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