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Catering By Christine


Phone 203-331-2051
Address 1 Schooner Lane,
Milford, AK 06460 United States


When choosing a cater its hard to make a decision on someone you have never seen. Catering by Christine currently owns and operates full service restaurants providing our organization with the ability to present to our customers arrays of international flavors and choices.
\nWe would be more than happy to provide examples of our sample menus but custom-made menus are our main business since every occasion is treated as a special one!
\nCatering by Christine specializes in the preparation and presentation of delicious foods for all occasions. Owning full service restaurants we quickly discovered that we could best meet our client's needs by providing event planning, event design and other services that support and compliment our restaurants as well as our chef's creativity. Our full service approach has earned Catering by Christine a loyal and diverse cliental and stellar reputation for its sumptuous fare, culinary artistry and the ability to meet the needs of our clients large and small.
\nCatering by Christine dishes up a unique blend of familiar favorites, international cuisines and exotic flavor combinations to ensure that every dining experience is exciting, memorable and very satisfying. Our food experts are constantly adding imaginative food creations to keep our menus fresh and inviting.
\nWhether it\\'s the wedding of your dreams, a garden bridal shower, boxed lunches for 20 or a sit-down dinner for 2,000, a Catering by Christine affair always looks and tastes extraordinary. The size and type of event we can create is as unlimited as the imagination. We orchestrate theme parties for 500 and romantic dinners for two. We can craft outdoor barbecues or produce high-level executive lunches. Call us to design an elegant black-tie ball or let us assemble a fun-filled company picnic. Whatever the occasion, Catering by Christine delivers events of exceptional taste and presents then with an imaginative flair.

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