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Courtesy Plumbing


Phone (626) 774-7167
Address 601 E Edna Pl,
Covina, CA 91723 United States


Whether you have a faulty water heater, leaky faucet, or any other plumbing issue, Courtesy Plumbing can fix that. Serving West Covina, San Gabriel Valley, and beyond since 1970, the Covina plumbers offer unmatched service. The company’s aim is in their name—Courtesy Plumbing strives to be the most courteous plumbers you will ever meet. The team will do right by you from start to finish. Call now to experience the difference. The company always provides convenient appointments, fair pricing, friendly plumbers, and excellent workmanship. You can also count on Courtesy Plumbing to provide only high-quality plumbing products such as Navien tankless water heaters or Pelican water filters. Free estimates and financing options are available.

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