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At your service catering


Phone (850) 837-7538
Address 415 Hideaway Bay Drive,
miramar beach, FL 32550 United States


Whether you're looking for French, Italian, Middle Eastern, Cajun, Southern or Continental Cuisine; from appetizers to desserts, all occasions and any size party - we've done it all and have the ability to cook it to perfection every time, to please every taste!
Our Company is committed to serving only the finest foods, made with the freshest ingredients, and providing courteous, responsive service. All of our dishes are made from scratch; creating a truly memorable dining experience with an infusion of passion and creativity. Critics have been raving ever since, and our Guests are quick to agree!
Need a private chef for the day, a server or bartender for the evening, or an entire staff for the weekend? We are here to help! With At Your Service, your wish is our command!
At You Service Catering's goal is to help with all your service needs. To learn more about the range of services we offer, click on the staffing page or feel free to view our website! Once you've seen it all, please let us know how we can serve you!

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