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Corporate Caterers


Phone (305) 223-1230
Fax (305) 223-2165 - Fax
Address 13335 SW 124th Street,
Miami, FL 33186 United States


As a leader in the business catering segment, Corporate Caterers® offers our guests easy ordering, fresh and tasty food presented in a professional manner and consistent catering service every day. If you have the need to impress then don't hesitate to call on us to cater your event. We always provide a wide variety of catering choices made with quality ingredients for a perfect catered experience. Enjoy our Breakfast, Lunch and Appetizer Menus all catered that satisfy an assortment of tastes. Perfect for business events, training, company meetings, office parties and pharmaceutical lunches that need to be catered. Call on Corporate Caterers® today for all your business catering needs.

We are a leader in business catering, our food is tasty and delivered on time. We provide catering for office events, company meetings, home parties, birthday parties, baby showers and larger events.

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