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Don Cafe Restaurant


Phone (561) 684-0074
Mobile (561) 684-0074 - Mobile
Address 136 N Military Trail,
West Palm Beach, FL 33415 United States


Conveniently located on the corners of Southern Blvd and Military Trail is Don Café' Restaurant. A delightful, Latin American style cafeteria with a truly tropical atmosphere where you can enjoy an ample variety of Latin American ‘folkloric cuisine'; (rarely offered by others in the area). You may prefer to enjoy a quick and flavorful aromatic Espresso Coffee by itself, or if you are in the mood for a favorite ice cold beer or cocktail, paired with a broad choice of your favorite appetizer do so in the spacious, pleasantly adorned patio with elegant crisp Florida palm trees. Service is uncompromised and menu prices are reasonable. Thursdays and Fridays is your chance to your “minute of fame” with karaoke at full play. Express yourself at Don Café, your best and only Latin destination in West Palm Beach.

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