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Orange Blossom Catering


Phone (727) 822-6129
Fax (727) 821-2577 - Fax
Address 220 4th Street N,
St. Petersburg, FL 33701 United States


The Orange Blossom Catering Company was established in 1935 and has been owned and operated by the Shamas family since 1953. The building was a cafeteria from 1953-1987 and then became a banquet hall from 1987 to present day. Seating capacity can accommodate up to 250/275 persons utilizing both the upstairs and downstairs. Downstairs alone can handle 140/150 persons for a seated event. Groups utilizing the banquet hall include wedding receptions, corporate and private cocktail parties, graduation events, etc. as well as regular civic group meetings during the week.

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