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The Village Farm Caterers

1 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (207) 225-2171
Address 37 Buckfield Rd,
Turner, ME 04282 United States


The Village Farm Caterers is a top provider of caterering service in Turner. Visit us sometime soon at our business address or give us a ring at (207) 225-2171.

Reviews for The Village Farm Caterers

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • The Village Farm Caterers


    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “I worked for these people and I was disgusted at what I saw there. Nothing was ever cleaned or sanitized. Dirty knives and work spaces in the kitchen. They didn't even wash vegetables off before putting them on kabobs- mushrooms with globs of dirt marinating before grilling! Foods were left out all day and served anyway. They even had a rodent problem in the kitchen but still didn't wipe off a counter before putting food on it. I would NEVER eat anything they serve. Save yourself from food poisoning and skip Village Farm!”

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