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Gilmore Collection Catering

5 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (616) 356-2000
Fax (616) 493-2011 - Fax
Address 20 Monroe Nw,
Grand Rapids, MI 49503 United States


Full service off site catering as well as several wedding locations at The B.O.B., Trillium, Daily Grill and Mangiamo.

Reviews for Gilmore Collection Catering

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Gilmore Collection Catering

    Beyond Excellent Service

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “My wedding reception was held at the B.O.B. in Grand Rapids and was catered by Gilmore Collection Catering. I could not imagine any catering company doing a better job than they did. The staff went above and beyond every step of the way to ensure that they provided excellent service. They never tried to get me with hidden fees...if anything they tried to help the event be as affordable as possible. And for the price I paid, the food and the event seemed like it could have costed double what I paid.

    Thank you Gilmore Collection and the B.O.B.!”

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