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Hotz Catering and Rental

A Grand Local featured business!
3.7 5 1 3 Review(s)


Phone (586) 757-1811
Address 20752 Ryan Rd,
Warren, MI 48091 United States


We feature full catering services and a full line of rental items, everything from linens and skirting to staging and dance floors. We offer helpful, personal, comprehensive services. Now Licensed Fireworks Events!

Reviews for Hotz Catering and Rental

3 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Hotz Catering and Rental

    All is NOT so peachy ...

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “On 09-08-2010,at 20752 Ryan Warren ,MI, I and every other driver that passed their building saw a HUGE sign in front of the MAIN customer entrance door saying 'HELP WANTED' but when I tried to get in no was at the door so I came 1/4 mile home and called. I was told there was NO help wanted sign in front, they were not hiring and someone was playing a JOKE!!!
    I was assured some guys had been laid off . I could not beleive what he said so I called the direct dial number and the woman said Honey, I Never Put a sign out. I wish I had taken a picture but if I see the sign again, I AM.”

  • Hotz Catering and Rental

    They have everything

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Thanks guys, the Bounce Room worked out perfectly.”

  • Hotz Catering and Rental

    Good Value

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “I looked around at many party rental stores in my area. I settled on Hotz because they have just aabout everything imaginable. I have been told many times, that they can get me anything. I belive them. The 40x80 I rented was huge.

    Thanks for the freindly service!”

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