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Mykennas Restaurant


Phone (612) 339-8787
Address 900 2nd Ave S,
Minneapolis, MN 55402 United States


Mykennas Restaurant is a reliable source of caterering service in Minneapolis. Visit us sometime soon at our storefront or give us a call at (612) 339-8787.

Reviews for Mykennas Restaurant

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Mykennas Restaurant

    Bagging --- self service? Come on!

    Posted On:

    “When did bagging become a self-service job? I just moved to Minneapolis from a large city and am in shock by the rudeness of the front-register help here! Especially at Mykennas where the guy who's there every day never says thank you or please and never even hands you a bag! Bad, bad service. Give me a break! Bagging your to-go food shouldn't be self-serv.”

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