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Bella's Italian Grille


Phone (419) 586-9545
Fax (419) 586-9589 - Fax
Address 1081 West Bank Road,
Celina, OH 45822 United States


Bella’s Italian Grille opened its door for the first time in 1999 in Downtown Celina, Ohio. Owner Julie Cole started the restaurant with a crew of four part-time and two full-time employees. In addition to many new employees, Julie’s husband, Tony Fleck, their daughter Maddie, son TJ and Julie’s mother Nancy Otis have joined the Bella’s crew.

In April of 2002, Bella’s moved to 1081 West Bank Road located on Grand Lake. In three day’s time, the West Bank location was renovated, inside and out, with the help of employees, friends, and family of Julie and Tony.

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