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Dianna Moss Catering


Phone (740) 497-0997
Mobile (740) 497-0997 - Mobile
Address Private Residence,
Circleville, OH 43113 United States


Just because you're working on a budget doesn't mean you have to settle for sub-par service and food. We will work with you the whole time to get very high quality food on your budget. Dianna Moss Catering is assisting you with your catering, including decorating tips for the location that you are renting or in your home. Be sure to ask if outside caterers are permitted.

We provide the exact menu that you are looking for. You can customize each and every dish and put together an amazing meal for your guests. This includes diabetic and gluten-free menu items.

We have done private parties, school banquets, weddings (up to 300 guests), graduation parties, bridal showers and tailgating. We are available for any type of catering that you need. Just give us a call or email today and we will give you a custom quote!

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