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Cappella Court Gardens

5 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (972) 418-2424
Address 2424 Marsh Lane,
Carrollton, TX 75006 United States


Category: dding and Banquet Venue

Reviews for Cappella Court Gardens

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Cappella Court Gardens

    OMG!! The Best Location in DFW

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “This is the most beautiful place for the price it is so within our budget but looks like we spent so so much more. I am very happy I found them and went with them, I can't afford a wedding at 15,000.00 but with Cappella it look as if I spent that! Extemely pleased, we had the most wonderful event and the Manager was at our event she is a wonderful person to work with, I recommend everyone to Cappella Court and ask for Jennifer she will take care of you!!”

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