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Elevated Roofing


Phone (469) 305-0010
Address 15222 King Rd, Ste 402,
Frisco, TX 75034 United States


Elevated Roofing is a premier Frisco roofing contractor and that provides residential and commercial roofing services to the Dallas and Fort Worth areas. We provide roof inspections, maintenance, roof repairs, hail and storm damage repairs and roof replacements. Our roof projects are completed using the finest materials available in the industry and are backed by our warranty. We also work with major insurance companies and can assist you with the insurance claims process. With over 20 years experience, we proudly deliver quality, reliable and cost-effective roofing and solar roofing services to protect your property and investment. Request a free, no-obligation roof inspection today: (469) 804-6910. Building the Kingdom One Roof at a Time.

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