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Whitestone Catering

5 5 1 2 Review(s)


Phone (703) 554-2486
Address 15014 Onan Ct,
Gainesville, VA 20155 United States


Whitestone offers catering in Gainsville,VA, Northern Virginia and the Washington D.C. Metro area. Through culinary creations by our very own Chef Tom Stagikas and our experienced staff, we are delighted to honor your catering and personal chef needs. From entertaining family, friends or clients -- to in-home personal chefs...let us help make it a special and memorable experience for you and your guests!

Reviews for Whitestone Catering

2 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Whitestone Catering

    very professional

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “this company is very professional and the staff is great. I have used them for corporate catering and I will use them again.”

  • Whitestone Catering

    Peter S.

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “This has to be the best catering company I've ever dealt with, we have done plenty of corporate functions at my job and part of my duty is to set it up and whitestone catering helped me plan the perfect outing. Thanks guys!”

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